You should know that “1 family of vegetables” that Taiwanese doctors emphasize must be chewed thoroughly is found in all Thai food menus!
Better Know! Taiwanese Doctors Remind You That “1 Family of Vegetables” Must Be Eaten Slowly and Chewed Thoroughly, They Are All In Thai Food Menus!

According to a 2014 study published in the American journal Obesity. Chewing food slowly can not only increase calorie burning by up to 25 times compared to eating it quickly. But it can also improve blood sugar problems. Doctors point out that in addition to increasing calorie burning. If vegetables are not chewed thoroughly. The important nutrients in vegetables cannot react with the body’s enzymes, and thus cannot create health-promoting compounds.
“Yang Zhiwen”, a weight loss and family medicine expert from Taiwan, said that chewing food slowly is important for health. You should choose foods that are high in fiber. Such as morning glory, green leafy vegetables, whole grain bread, and grains, and increase the number of times you chew your food. You should also choose meat and eggs that require a lot of chewing. Do not cut them into small pieces to help extend the eating time.
He gave an example of a 40-year-old. Female patient who had undergone a gastric bypass surgery and was able to lose 50 pounds (25 kg) within a year after the surgery. However, as time passed, the amount of food she ate increased (the same as before the surgery) and she “ate too fast”, often finishing her meal within 5 minutes after lunch. Causing her to gain another 50 pounds (20 kg) within 6 months. After that, her blood sugar level of hemoglobin was as high as 6.4% (normal is 4.0-5.6%) and she was diagnosed with primary diabetes. She also had symptoms such as palpitations, cold sweats, and stomach pain when eating.
When the doctor examined him. He found that the patient’s nutrient metabolism was abnormal. Which was mostly related to eating too fast and poor absorption of nutrients after surgery. This is because after gastric bypass surgery. If food is not chewed and digested thoroughly. Food will be sent to the small intestine faster if eaten too fast. Especially if too much processed sugar is eaten, food will “flow” into the small intestine faster than normal. Which may cause palpitations, nausea, stomachache, diarrhea, and other symptoms from eating.
In this patient’s case, it is recommended to start by extending the time of eating, chewing slowly, and adjusting the order of eating. Eating protein first, followed by carbohydrates, to avoid insufficient protein from “Eating syndrome” and to extend the time to feel full. In addition, in the diet plan. It is recommended to choose high-fiber and complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice and sweet potatoes, instead of processed flour. After changing the diet, the patient was able to lose 7 kg in two months, and the hemoglobin level in the สมัคร ufabet blood sugar returned to the standard value. Successfully solving the diabetic crisis.
Chewing slowly is not only necessary for gastric bypass surgery patients or those who are sick. But is also very important for the general public, especially when eating cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale or radish. Which have the ability to detoxify the liver and prevent cancer due to their high isothiocyanate content. However, if they are not chewed thoroughly. The thioglycosides in vegetables (glucosinolates) will not be able to react with the enzyme to create isothiocyanate. Which makes it “like eating nothing”.