Cough is a response of the body. So that the body can eliminate waste and foreign substances from our body. Coughing can be cause by many reasons, such as colds, asthma, dry throat, and respiratory infections. Suffer from acid reflux, allergies, smoking, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis. But sometimes coughing is not a sign of any disease. But it is caused by foreign substances that irritate our airways, such as dust, smoke, etc., Which usually disappears on its own within 3 weeks. We will introduce ways to help relieve coughing. Relieves sore throats that really work
Easy to start with drinking more water each day Anyone who has mucus in their throat Water will help dissolve less mucus. For those who have a dry cough Water will help moisturize your throat. Reducing irritation within the throat as well.
If you choose to drink more water then ยูฟ่าเบท recommend You should choose to drink warm water instead of cold water. Because warm water helps dissolve phlegm. and provides moisture inside the throat better than cold water You can also choose to drink warm water mixed with honey and lemon during the day as well.
It’s warm inside. It also has to be warm outside. Taking a warm shower will also help reduce mucus. It is also good for the body of people who have colds. and allergies as well
Most of the time, a cough that gets worse or doesn’t heal slowly is because the body hasn’t had time to repair itself. Because we use our bodies too hard and get little rest. Therefore, if you know you are sick and have a really bad cough, you should go to bed early in the day before the weather is still too cold. and get enough rest
Don’t think that a cough will go away easily on its own. If you have a cough and are bent over Coughing until the neighbor next to you is annoy, you should find cough medicine to swallow quickly. Because cough medicine contains ingredients that will help reduce irritation in the throat.
Which house uses air conditioning to sleep? At night the air can be dry and make your cough worse. Even though the weather in our country is already quite hot and humid. But for patients who already have throat irritation, the cold, dry air will make the cough worse. And may also have a stuffy nose. Therefore, if using a humidifier in the bedroom It will help relieve throat irritation.
Note: Humidifiers It is a machine that is plugg in and steam comes out. Can increase the humidity in the air in the room. (Some hospitals have humidifiers in patient rooms.) It can be scent or not scent, it’s up to the person who likes it. But if you choose a scent that helps you sleep well, such as the scent of chamomile flowers. lavender scent It will help us sleep easily. You can rest fully as well.
In addition to perfume and spray The surrounding air is dry. From the air conditioner in the office Dust and smoke from car exhaust pipes smoke from cooking These air pollutants can cause irritation in the nasal passages and throat. Therefore, while coughing You should also wear a face mask to protect yourself from these air pollutants.