Daily calorie intake that the body should receive.

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Food is consider an important factor in life. But sometimes if you eat too much it will make you fat. Or if you eat too little, it will make you hungry again between meals. Therefore, people must eat in accordance with the needs of the body. Each age group has different needs for energy (calorie) from food.

Men’s daily energy needs are 1,800-2,000 kilocalories, while women’s daily energy needs are 1,500-1,800 kilocalories, depending on how much excess fat we have in our bodies. and there are various activities How much each day?

Calorie is a unit of measurement of energy. If it is energy obtain from food or energy use by the body in various activities, it is called kilocalories (kcal). In general, Each person has a different amount of calories that their body should receive per day. It may depend on gender, age, height, weight and level of physical activity. or สมัคร ufabet activities that are done every day.

Calories per day and how to count calories correctly It is consider basic health care information that you should know. Especially in people who want to reduce or control their weight effectively. However, the energy and calories received each day should come from foods that are beneficial to the body. Therefore, it will help you lose weight in a healthy way in the long run.

In addition, the calorie needs of the average person are divid into 3 groups.

 People who use approximately 1,200-1,600 calories per day  are petite women who exercise regularly.
and women of average build who do not exercise regularly. But are just looking to lose weight.

People who use about 1,600-2,000 calories per day  are women with large bodies. man with figure
small, labor-intensive An average-sized man who doesn’t exercise regularly. and men of medium size who already do a lot of labor and want to lose weight.

Those who use approximately 2,000-2,400 calories per day  are women or men with medium to large sizes who like to exercise all day. A very large man who did not do much physical labor. And a very large and very active man. They also want to lose weight.